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Walking into 2024

My posture in the new year is PRIORITIZE

"They say that things just can't grow below the white snow or so I am told"

I hear these words as I plug into the @emilypfreeman podcast and disappear into my greenhouse blanketed by snow and begin to sow the first seeds of the new year. Each sown seed represents hope for a fresh start. I recommend the podcast "the next right thing" if you haven't found it already.

Emily speaks on decision fatigue and shares wisdom from soul minimalist Joshua Becker.

"The intentional promotion of the things we value most and the removal of anything that distracts us from it."

Sounds simple enough. I revisited my 2019 vision board, and it reads "Seek balance between the hustle + rest and learn to find contentment in both". I question if it is even practical to have balance. Maybe embracing priorities is more practical. In order to have space to consider priorities we need stillness, not distractions. I have a habit of feeling the need to continuously produce something and recognize the need for stillness.

Emily sums it up by encouraging us to cultivate the ability to listen to the heartbeat of our own life so that we can develop the habit of choosing our absence or priority on purpose rather than having it be chosen by default. It's when we have stillness our soul sifts through the day's input, holding onto what we need and releasing what we don't, making space to access courage and creativity, quieting to hear the voice of God.

In Parker J Palmer's book, Let Your Life Speak "Before you tell your life what you intend to do with it, listen for what it intends to you". Create space to consider this. In an overscheduled world I challenge you to schedule stillness.

My friend @JaneaFletcher of the Self Care Passport Podcast's wisdom resonates with me. Janea says it best, "Learn to say yes + no with equal parts enthusiasm. Enjoy her bite-size episodes on desired habits with a sense of well-being.

As we ease into the new year I welcome prioritization, the wisdom to begin to give up what I no longer need, like fear about the future or regret over the past.

We were experiencing a mild winter until the snow arrived in the new year. The temperatures dropped to 4 degrees and sadly I experienced a deep freeze resulting in some ranunculus damage. Ranunculus are tolerant of cooler temperatures so I am hopeful that they will bounce back. I am reminded to seek stillness when I hear the evening hoot of our resident owl. The wraps the day with gratitude.

Our Stilly Valley Bee Collective connected with like-minded beekeepers & homesteaders at The County Living Expo. The interest was incredible! It was so inspiring to connect with like-minded. I look forward to continuing to expand our collective and create opportunities to learn from one another.

If you have inquired about our 2024 availability, I appreciate your patience as we continue to map out our calendar and flower availability.

If you are looking for me, you can find me cultivating priorities so that I can continue to Flourish.

Keep Flourishing friends!

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