Chef Courtney of Rainbow Eats reached out to me in June 2020. Courtney had the vision to connect with local like-minded farmers and design a menu based on seasonal availability and serve her guests at her farm-to-table. The dinners would be hosted by Rachel at Island Harvest on Camano Island. I was invited as the flower farmer. My farm's organic blooms would be decorating the dinner table and guests had opportunities to take away the arrangements. I loved this opportunity! My husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary at one of her farm-to-tables, it was a lovely experience. The evening began with a self-guided tour of Island Harvest Farm. The seating was outdoors, and we met new local friends and celebrated together. Every ingredient was hand selected with intention from the local wine served to the incredible dessert. My favorite part of the evening was when Chef Courtney would come out from the kitchen and introduce each serving. She recognized the local farmers and explained each dish.

My husband David hired Courtney as a personal Chef in our home. This honored and celebrated the end of our flower farming growing season. She prepared dinner in our kitchen and served us in our garden! This was a memorable experience as a family

Courtney and her husband Ben received a parent's worst news, their daughter Addie was diagnosed with DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma), Brain Cancer. This diagnosis is terminal. Courtney along with her family spent many sleepless nights, and months navigating this diagnosis and grieved this loss. I had the honor to know Addie. She was a light and joy. She is terribly missed. Courtney is committed to raising awareness for DIPG and is a priceless resource for families with similar stories.

In the summer of 2023, Courtney and Ben reached out to me and asked if I would grow and design the flowers for their recommitment ceremony. I was honored. I appreciated that this couple recognized the obstacles they've navigated, they have put in the work and now it was time to honor their commitment to marriage and celebrate love. It was a beautiful August afternoon at Silvana's, Happy Hollow Farm. I asked Donna of Save The Day Floral for her support in the design and the day of installation. We had fun building the large altarpiece together, talking stories of Courtney's journey and all that it took to get to this beautiful day. I was grateful that Courtney gave me free rein to bring her vision to life. This freed me from expectations so that I could give myself space to be creative. It was liberating. I had the honor to attend the wedding as a guest. Not only is Courtney a client but she has become my friend. I love how our relationship began as women in small business and we Flourished together as friends.
The officiant of the ceremony was Lacey of Evergreen Wedding Planning. Other than my own wedding ceremony this recommitment exceeded my expectations. It was beyond beautiful. Not to mention Courtney was breathtaking!

I'd like to extend an invitation to join Courtney at her new Cafe, The Skagit Table, 225 S 1st St Mt Vernon, Washington. This new kitchen is located in the historic district of Old Mt Vernon. The space has charm and local stories. Courtney's kitchen will bring the farm-to-table experience to this new cafe. Fresh local organic ingredients. Courtney's mission is to share Whole Foods with her community. Build community and encouragement throughout one another's seasons in life. Courtney exudes creativity, hustles, is resilient, and gives grace. When you shop a local business you support a dream. You feed Courtney's family at The Skagit Table, money is kept in our local economy and you are supporting local farmers. Without farms, we would have no food.
Grand Opening at The Skagit Table, April 2023!
Keep Flourishing!
Wedding photos by Kylie Megan Photography
Flourish Organic Farm photos by Molly Vaden Photography
Beautiful story - many emotions <3 Thank you for sharing this, Flourish Team. Adding The Skagit Table to my list of things to eat, see and do when I am next in the area!