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It starts with why

I was raised on the property we farm on today. I have many wonderful childhood memories here. My parents had a vision for the raw land. They committed to building a custom log home. The logs were harvested locally from Darrington in 1983. We hand peeled each log and my dad meticulously measuring before making final cuts. Together we hand forged river rock from our local Stilliguamish river basin. Every aspect of the properties design was intentional.

In 2004 my husband David and I returned to this house to make it our family home.

Why? Because we appreciated the childhood we had, we value our local community and recognize its potential. We wanted to be stewards of the home and land.

Why farm? Our home sits on 5 acres. We felt a pull to cultivate here. Farming was the next step in propagating our land. The life lessons in farming are priceless. Establishing a strong foundation in work ethic, pride of ownership and land conservation.

Why flowers? Flowers are rewarding to grow. I appreciate a creative outlet, discovering new varieties and ways to share them. Flowers bring joy. In short flowers heal.

Consumers most often do not know where their flowers come from. A majority of cut flowers sold in the United States are imported. Most come from countries with cheap labor and less developed environmental standards. Flourish Organic Farms is committed to raising awareness and to help preserve our domestic and local flower farms.

Thank you for connecting here. We are grateful for your support. We are excited to cultivate together.

Keep Flourishing,

Kari Parks

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